I was writing a blog post for my website, about the etymology of the word fascist, and I wanted to write about how it's connected to the modern slang curse word for "homosexual" which used to mean "a bundle of sticks" (f-gg-t), but my ethics and, I feel, the integrity of the site would be compromised if I used such a hideous word. Thus, I used dashes as in the aforementioned example, but this brought up a good question.
While researching this, I came across an article from The Guardian by David Marsh, which raised an excellent point that too much censorship can obfuscate meaning. I also learned about grawlixes from Quick and Dirty Tips.com and What the #$@&%*! is that called?, but when there is little to no context provided, I can't really use [bleep]s or censor an entire word. I'm looking more of a method where it is crystal clear what I'm saying, without actually saying it. Euphemisms obviously won't work here.
I think the big dilemma here is this: how do I allude to a profane word while keeping maximum clarity? Do I censor all vowels, select vowels, all consonants, or select consonants? What would be the best way to allude to the above word (f-gg-t)? Is there any research or are there any linguistic papers written on this? How do I ensure maximum clarity?
Some sources that barely helped:
Correct usage of replacing cuss words with symbols (English Language & Usage)
Symbol Swearing (tv tropes)
What's your favourite way to cuss without cussing? (The EscapistMagazine)
What the Hell Do You Do About Profanity? (Daily Writing Tips)
Why do we still censor swear words? (Quora)
Thank you.