Below is the sentence in question, in which the same verb occurred twice with only one auxiliary between them:

Most particles passed straight through, but those that were deflected were deflected quite significantly.

I am not fond of repetitions. Could you suggest a set word/phrase I can use in place of the second 'deflected'? Something kind of like the adjectival pronoun 'that of', or a dummy verb.

Many thanks in advance.

5 Answers 5


How about:

Most particles passed straight through, but those that did not were deflected quite significantly.

  • 2
    Simple and elegant. Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 18:36

What about reconstructing the sentence, as in:

Most particles passed straight through, except some that were deflected significantly.

This could work because your sentence implies all the particles that were deflected, were deflected significantly.


Most particles passed straight through, but the minority that didn't were deflected quite significantly.

  • A less unredundant echo of McCaverty's answer. Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 18:36
  • less unredundant heh Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 18:54

There is nothing wrong with the original post -

Most particles passed straight through, but those that were deflected were deflected quite significantly -

except that the author is not happy with the repetition of 'deflected'. This 'fault' is easily remedied and the whole sentence made more concise -

Most particles passed straight through. A few were deflected quite significantly.

  • As a user with 10k rep, you should know ELU is looking for answers with a bit of explanation behind them... This answer has come up on the LQP review.
    – Skooba
    Commented Mar 8, 2017 at 13:35

Here is my edit:

Most particles passed straight through, but those that were deflected at all did so quite significantly.

Even the insertion of 'at all' breaks up the sentence from the deflected-deflected crowd.

  • 2
    That doesn’t work at all. Did so cannot be used as a dummy verb for a passive construction. Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 16:56
  • @JanusBahsJacquet - You may be right, as you seem very sure. Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 17:04
  • 1
    Just. “... But those that were deflected, were so quite significantly.”
    – Jim
    Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 23:54

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