I am curious as to what the Ænȝlıſc word is for "grammatical case." I remembered hearing a man say it before, but I cannot remember for sure. If I recall, he said something along the lines of "ſe Fæle," which is the same gender as, and very similar to the German word: "der Falle."

I thank any for any in advance.

  • That looks to me like just a calque of the German rather than "authentic" Old English as we know it was spoken. But it may not matter much, since the German is a calque of the Latin, which is if I remember correctly a calque of the Greek word for "case."
    – herisson
    Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 15:14
  • I was thinking the same thing. I managed to find the video, and he said any of: se fyll, se fiell, þæt fyll, or þæt fiell... youtube.com/watch?v=TmI5ag1s38E two completely different Genders, two completely different pronunciations. Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 22:11
  • 1
    The OED says the Old English word for "fall" was "fięll, fyll ( < *falli-z)" Apparently it could be masculine or neuter: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fiell Wiktionary also says it did mean "case," apparently
    – herisson
    Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 22:13
  • okay, thanks. I guess that can be the answer... I do thank you. Commented Mar 7, 2017 at 22:15

1 Answer 1


According to Wiktionary, "se/þæt fiell," either masculine or neuter, can also mean "grammatical case."


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