I use the latter most of the time, but I am unsure where the former is more appropriate. What are the different uses of "distinctly" vs "distinctively"?

1 Answer 1


The difference in meaning is as follows:

"Distinctly" means:

  1. in a distinct manner; clearly:
    Speak more distinctly.
  2. without doubt; unmistakably.

"Distinctively" means:

In a distinctive manner; in a way that is notable for its difference.

What does "distinctive" mean? It means:

  1. that serves to distinguish between things
  2. that is characteristic or typical of something

Thus, "distinctively" is used when someone said something "in a special way" for a special effect, such as distinguishment, while "distinctly" is clearly, or unmistakably.

Someone who said:

He spoke distinctly/means he spoke clearly
He spoke distinctively/He spoke in a manner that was notable for its difference/in a manner so that he can distinguish something he is saying.


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