Given the following sentence:
Don't listen to those other people.
Are those and other adjectives or determinatives? Both? Which makes more sense?
I am prefixing the words in some phrases with abbreviations. Some of the words are giving me trouble in classification. (The message is supposed to be an implicit proof of why adding prefixes to table names in a database is terrible. But I'd like to get it right.)
Here's the full set of sentences for your amusement. However, please restrict your comments to the stated question, for the most part.
- com-Don't ver-Listen prep-To adj-Those adj-Other nou-People.
- pro-You aux-Should adv-Always ver-Use nou-Prefixes prep-With pro-Your adj-Table nou-Names.
pro-I aux-Have adv-Even ver-Started ver-Using pro-Them prep-In adj-Normal nou-Writing.
com-See adv-How adj-Effective pr-It ver-Is?
- nou-People aux-Can ver-Understand pro-Your nou-Writing adv-Better!
(where com means command verb)
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It originally came from this closed question