See my comment for Richard Kayser, above.
In the military, the attempt in Basic Training is to eliminate differences between soldiers among the ranks. Individuality is discouraged, except for the exceptional standout, who ends up in a key unit, such as the Green Berets, Navy SEALs, etc.
Everyone else is, by design, made to look just like the next guy. There are many opinions as to why this is, but the fact is, it is this way. Every man gets the same uniform. The haircuts are the same, even the glasses are identical, except for the prescription.
So, maybe an army term based on size would be suitable, with an adjective preceding it to further describe the collection.
For example, some size words: squad, platoon, brigade, army...
"Mr. Smith had a squad of birds. They all looked exactly the same."
"Mr. Smith had a platoon of birds. They all looked exactly the same."
"Mr. Smith had a brigade of birds. They all looked exactly the same."
"Mr. Smith had an army of birds. They all looked exactly the same."
Adjectives to describe the collection: unorganized, disciplined, undisciplined, etc.
"Mr. Smith had an unorganized squad of birds. They all looked exactly the same."
"Mr. Smith had a disciplined squad of birds. They all looked exactly the same."
"Mr. Smith had an undisciplined squad of birds. They all looked exactly the same."