Is there any particular expression, proverb, colloquial slang or the like to state a case when someone likes neither one thing nor its opposite?

Example 1: "I don't like cold weather because it's cold, but I don't like warm weather either because it's too warm."

Example 2: "I don't like when you don't let me decide what to do. If you do let me decide what to do, I don't like it either because I don't want to decide what to do."

  • That's just human, the weather is never right ;)
    – Helmar
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 16:13
  • 1
    Goldilocks. Her first bowl of porridge was too hot; the second was too cold. And so forth. Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 17:39

4 Answers 4


These might have the flavor you're looking for.

From https://www.wiktionary.org/:

damned if you do, damned if you don't: (idiomatic) a dilemma where either choice results in a negative outcome.

Catch-22: (idiomatic) a difficult situation from which there is no escape because it involves mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.

no-win situation: any situation that is certain to end in failure or in which any favourable outcome is impossible.


Be in two minds (about something) — Macmillan

to not be certain about something, or to have difficulty in making a decision
"I’m in two minds about accepting the job"


adjective 1. not decided or determined.
2. not having one's mind firmly made up.

noun 3. a person who is undecided
"Are you still among the undecideds?"


I didn't find negativist, naysayer, or contrarian to be quite right.

How about unpleasable?


unpleasable: not capable of being pleased or satisfied


The situation ('case'?) is actually described in the Bible ('the like'?):

We played the flute for you, but you didn't dance; we sang a lament, but you didn't mourn!

[Matthew 11:7; Holman Christian Standard Bible]

I've seen a commentary describing some people who criticised a pastor who 'spent too much on a car', and then complained he was giving a shabby appearance when he swapped it for one a few hundred dollarmarks less.

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