Given I have a statement in 1 sentence and next one says 'It seems well passed that'. What does 'passed that' mean?

Adding full message. In your initial application provided we stated with fixed price. The proposal seems to be going well passed that.

  • 6
    To me, that looks like a typo for "It seems well past that."
    – herisson
    Commented Jul 26, 2016 at 7:22
  • Can you give some more context? It's rather vague at the moment Commented Jul 26, 2016 at 7:23
  • @sumelic -- kind to call it a typo. Probably just an outright error. Commented Jul 26, 2016 at 7:27
  • If case there is a typo, I still don't get "seems well past that". Can you explicitly explain plz?
    – antiplayer
    Commented Jul 26, 2016 at 7:27
  • 2
    The most relevant definition in the dictionary entry I linked to above is 5: "beyond or no longer at a particular point or stage" (it gives among other examples "a pot of yoghurt well past its sell-by date"). "The proposal seems to be going well past that" means "The proposal seems to be going far beyond the fixed price that was stated in the initial application."
    – herisson
    Commented Jul 26, 2016 at 7:36

2 Answers 2


original sentence:

"In your initial application provided we stated with fixed price. The proposal seems to be going well passed that."

This is very badly written and ungrammatical. "passed" is clearly meant to be "past", but otherwise it's not 100% clear to me what meaning is intended, but here's a guess:

"In your initial application provided we stated a fixed price. The proposal seems to be going well past that."

"past" means "beyond" in this instance: it's a preposition, see defn 14 here: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/past

So they're saying that the proposal has gone "beyond the fixed price". In other words, that the proposal is going to cost more money than the fixed amount that was agreed previously.


The original sentence makes some sense if we correct the spelling and add a comma: "In your initial application, provided, we stated a fixed price. The proposal seems to be going well past that." IOW, the responder to the proposal attached the application for immediate reference. The proposal is apparently for activities that will cost lots more then the fixed price.

  • Hi, welcome to EL&U. This seems to be quite similar to the other answer (which was accepted). I encourage you to tour the site and see the help center for how to answer.
    – livresque
    Commented Mar 9, 2022 at 1:21

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