You are already using two words, notes and log,
according to definitions that are highly specialized to your
particular context.
You expect users of your system to read the documentation that uses these
words and not be confused or misled by other closely-related
(but different) meanings of those words.
That's reasonable; people do this sort of thing all the time when
describing software systems.
Now you want a word that means "notes or log entries" in this specialized
sense, without other possible meanings that might cause confusion
or misunderstanding.
But why must it be one word? We often use multiple-word phrases to
describe things when one word is not specific enough.
Since you are describing something that combines the notes component
with the log component, why not use the words notes and log
combined in a phrase? For example,
This is the notes and log component. It combines the data in the notes component and the data in the log component.
This has the advantage that you have already trained users to use your specialized definitions of the words notes and log when reading your
documentation, so they will naturally apply those same restricted senses
of those words in order to understand what is in this new component.
There are other ways you can combine the words notes and log,
such as notes-log,
in case you wish to avoid the word and.