I am looking for a single word that describes: a mixture of a lot of things that ends up pretty messed up.
What would that be?
I am looking for a single word that describes: a mixture of a lot of things that ends up pretty messed up.
What would that be?
My candidate is hodge-podge.
hodgepodge (countable and uncountable, plural hodgepodges)
A collection of miscellaneous things; a jumble.
His latest sculpture is a hodgepodge of kitchen clutter and scrap glued together. In fact, all his recent pieces have been similar hodgepodges.
- 1653, Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler
Man's life is but vain, for 'tis subject to pain, / And sorrow, and short as a bubble; / 'Tis a hodge-podge of business, and money, and care, / And care, and money, and trouble.(Wiktionary)
Concoction — Vocabulary
A concoction is a curious mixture of things, like a bunch of liquids stirred in a cup, or the elaborate and unbelievable story you make up to explain not finishing your homework.
Mix eight different liquids in a glass and you've got a concoction. Scientists create concoctions of chemicals in test tubes, and a bicycle made of junkyard scraps is a concoction too. The word’s Latin root means “cooked together,” referring to when you heat metals in order to purify them. A concoction is also a tall tale told to get out of trouble or entertain someone. If your story has ostriches, trampolines, lasers, and Abraham Lincoln, it’s probably a concoction.
Perhaps you would consider olio, which any dictionary will tell you is a hodgepodge or collection of miscellany. The word is ultimately from the Latin olla (pot), a word which the Spanish adopted for olla podrida, a spicy stew of mixed meat and vegetables. The literal Spanish for the full name means rotten pot, but neither the full name for the dish nor its shortened English cognate have a necessarily pejorative connotation.
Cocktail — ODO
noun 1.1 A mixture of substances or factors, especially when dangerous or unpleasant
"he was killed by a cocktail of drink and drugs"
"A cocktail of substances is now burning from several storage containers, but fire authorities say the blaze is well under control."
Conglomeration is a good one.
a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection: a loose conglomeration of pieces.
A mélange is a mixture of often incongruous elements.