So if I read, for example a question on SE, and I automatically assume it is related to my own culture rather than another, what is that called?
I thought it would be ethnocentric, but it seems to me that word has a negative connotation. If there's no disrespect intended and the context of culture isn't relevant, I wouldn't think the assumption would be considered negatively.
This question was triggered by a question titled "Red Cross appearing on top of [...]" - to which my first inclination was to think American Red Cross - which isn't relevant at all, but not disrespectful, in my opinion, either.
Similarly, I'm sure most of us have read questions on various SE sites and thought of answers relating to our own lives, whether we have a single cultural point of reference or multiple.
Am I just reading that ethnocentrism has a negative connotation when it doesn't, or is there a better word for this? Maybe it's only the American dialect that has this problem.. or is that just me being unbias? The question of a proper antonym would be an entirely different question.