I did a search on thesaurus.com for the word wavering, and one of the suggested synonyms that was listed was irresoluteoscillating.

However, the Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries did not have the word listed (Oxford: link, MW: link).

I suspect this is an error on behalf of Thesaurus.com.

  • It appears the words "irresolute" and "oscillating" have been concatenated by some kind of code error. You might want to report it. Commented May 5, 2016 at 4:58

1 Answer 1


Actually, with a space as two words it is a useful phrase for wavering: irresolute oscillating.

  • Indeed. I asked because I thought there was a small chance that it could be a strange portmanteau.
    – reesjones
    Commented May 5, 2016 at 5:30

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