The best I could come up with is Metallic Pop which doesn't suit the rest of the writing style at all, which has a bit more imaginative use of adjectives.
What other phrase could I use to describe such a sound? The sound I was thinking of was somewhat similar to the Hangouts Pop notification sound.
A word that sounds serious, brooding even. If possible.
If I had to describe it, it would be the Hangouts Pop sound, but more metallic nature.
And ping IS a good word for it, yes. But it feels too...short? I would really like to know if there was a phrase to describe it? Something ominous yet sounding high-tech.
If it helps in anyway, the object making the sound is what I call a compressible bag, which takes in a special kind of radiation and compresses its contents into a miniscule dimension. To make it easier to carry. Once the compression is done, it makes the sound. To say that the process is over.