I sympathize with your feeling but, especially given your expressed preference for only commenting on
writing style, where it deserves comment, rather than [coercing] it to
conform with yours, I don't think your 'correction' is supportable. While a project cannot have a literal intention, it may have an object or a desired outcome, and so this definition applies:
7. To have (something) as an object, intention, or desired outcome; to be determined upon; to seek to achieve or obtain.
a. intr. With infinitive as complement. Also simply: to intend, to mean (formerly chiefly Eng. regional and U.S., now colloq.).
["aim, v.". OED Online. March 2016. Oxford University Press. http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/4348?rskey=Jt1VLZ&result=4&isAdvanced=false (accessed March 20, 2016). Bold emphasis mine.]
While this (latter) meaning of "to intend, to mean" (part, but not the whole of, meaning 7a) is expressly colloquial (thus informal), it may be that the interpretation supported by senses from 1841 and 1903 refers to the general meaning given in the main definition (7), that is, 'aim' is used without a colloquial flavor with reference to an object or desired outcome:
1841 Ladies' Repository Jan. 7/2 The Repository will aim to entertain as well as instruct.
1903 McClure's Mag. July 318/1 Each factory aimed to add barrel works as soon as able.
(op. cit.)
Although these senses are culled from the popular press, they suggest a movement away from purely colloquial use; additionally, the contemporary dictionaries I checked do not stipulate the meaning cited is colloquial in contemporary use.
In 1841, the ladies involved with the Repository may very well have seen their repository as a collective capable of group intention; however, it is unlikely that the factories mentioned in 1903 were regarded as individual or collective human agents capable of having intentions.
A quick look at available formal use in contemporary literature supports the claim that 'aims to' is used frequently with subjects that are neither individual nor collective human agents:
This chapter aims to examine engineering students' communication competence ....
(Handbook of Research on Effective Communication, Leadership, and Conflict Resolution, Normore, Anthony H. IGI Global, Feb 26, 2016 - Language Arts & Disciplines.)
The programme aims to 'silence' the potential triggers of violent reactions, ....
(The Psychology of Restorative Justice: Managing the Power Within, Theo Gavrielides, Routledge, Feb 24, 2016 - Law.)
Unless your paper aims to be striking because of its stylistic novelty, ....
(A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management, Lisa Anderson, Jeff Gold, Jim Stewart, Richard Thorpe, SAGE, Oct 15, 2015 - Business & Economics.)