Prerequisite describes something that must exist before another thing. Is there a word that describes an opposite, that is, something that is made possible because of the existence of another thing?
For example, in Carl Sagan's famous quote "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe", inventing the universe is a prerequisite of making an apple pie from scratch. Is there a word that works when we switch those two subjects: making an apple pie from scratch is a(n) ______ of inventing the universe?
I know that I can rephrase the sentence, or use multiple words to express the meaning, for example, "making an apple pie is one of the things I can do after inventing the universe". I can also use a made up word like postrequisite (although that exact example may not fit, as I understand it means something that must be done afterwards). I would like to know if there is one word, that is used widely, that means the same.