The workers are not going to halt the strike without proper delineation and acceptance of their demand.

What are the other words so we can use in place of "to halt" - - Suppose they are not in a mood to stop the strike until the fulfillment of their demands.

  • What effect / feeling / etc are you trying to elicit with the alternate word?
    – Lawrence
    Feb 11, 2016 at 8:14
  • Suppose they are not in a mood to stop strike until the fulfilment of their demand
    – Manish Rai
    Feb 11, 2016 at 8:16
  • 2
    I think the most commonly used term in Britain would be call-off the strike.
    – WS2
    Feb 11, 2016 at 9:33
  • I edited the question body and added some formatting. I also want to edit the title and apply proper tags but I am not too sure. Are you looking for single words or alternate phrases? Can you add your research please?
    – BiscuitBoy
    Feb 11, 2016 at 11:03

5 Answers 5


I would certainly NOT USE break unless it meant aggressive action from the employers, the government, or other outside forces.

If it is the result of a strike ballot, or the actions of strikers themselves, the term most commonly used in Britain is call off the strike; or call an end to the strike. –

  • @DavidGarner Apologies. Clearly you are right. I will amend.
    – WS2
    Feb 11, 2016 at 14:58

How about lift the strike?

lift: to stop or put an end to (a boycott, blockade, etc.) Random House

The workers are not going to lift the strike without proper delineation and acceptance of their demand.


In this kind of potentially volatile context it is always preferable to use positive language. Don't look for a 'better' negative, turn it into a positive:

The striking workers will return to work when their demands have been delineated and accepted.

This answer deals with the 'to halt' issue only. What 'delineate' might mean here is another matter.

  • Hi @clark - We don't like all caps here, so I've edited some better formatting into your answer.
    – AndyT
    Feb 11, 2016 at 15:05

'stop',break','terminate'-all these words can be used in place of 'halt' which itself is a perfectly acceptable word in the context.


The word strike usually collocates with "end" / "call off" in the sense you are looking for

Call off: to decide to stop something that is already happening. Eg:

... journalists have called off a 24-hour strike after receiving a new pension offer from management ...

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