I'm looking for a word that indicates that a time interval (or event) will start earlier than previously expected. It should contrast with "to prolong", because that's also something that can happen to the same interval (and "prolongation" is already used in that context).
"last longer" -> "prolongation"
"start earlier" -> ???
We are sending severe weather warnings to customers, mostly a few hours in advance. Sometimes it happens that the severe weather lasts longer than expected, we call that a "prolongation" internally. In this case we may send "prolongation warnings".
Similarly, it can happen that the severe weather starts earlier than expected. The duration may or may not be affected by this (the event can be longer than we anticipated, have the same duration and just start earlier, or it may even be shorter). I've started calling this an "earlification", which transports the meaning, but is a little lacking in elegance.
Just to clarify, these words are used in internal, informal documentation and source code. They are not used in communication with customers.