I find it curious that all of these answers originate from individuals who are not impacted by the term midget, no-one is qualified to answer this question who does not experience the effect of this word due to negative connotations.
Only those who cannot acknowledge their privilege due to not experiencing prejudice or discrimination as they belong to a validated majority seek to classify others not belonging to their powerful majority, othering them via distinctive terms, which they claim are neutral, but serve to objectify, see as distinct, objectify, dehumanise. This has been the case with race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability, identifying who does not belong and thereby disempowering, stigmatising and ultimately discriminating. Language is never neutral, naming and categorising has implications, often for those in a minority these are negative.
You look to that community and more specifically individuals within it to enquire how their identity is expressed which offers them respect, validity and agency to take advantage of any opportunity on offer to those around them that don't share their identity. The length of your arms and legs don't define your identity, capacities and capabilities anymore than the colour of your eyes or the size of your genitalia, or any other physical attribute, however others opinions of these attributes and their perspective of you does influence outcomes for you.
So, as a dwarf I am empowered to say; for myself, that the word midget is not neutral, and no amount of delving into etymology by those who do not have dwarfism is irrelevant here, you are not impacted and thus your opinion is not valid.
Midget is a pejorative word with negative associations connotating an object of humour for mockery or sexual objectification, any google word search will make that fact quite apparent, so no don't perpetuate the use of this word anymore than the 'N' word for black people and those of colour.
Personally if you want to identify me, much like you, use my name, I am not my dwarfism.