Is 'r' in Br/Amr pronunciation of 'Arjmand' (Persian word) silent?
(In other words, how is this word pronounced in Br/Amr English?)
Is 'r' in Br/Amr pronunciation of 'Arjmand' (Persian word) silent?
(In other words, how is this word pronounced in Br/Amr English?)
It depends whether or not you are speaking American English or British English.
American English uses the rhotic 'r', while British English 'r' is non-rhotic.
For example, rhotic speakers say "barn", and 'r' has a strong nasal sound, whereas non-rhotic speakers say "barn" pretty much like "bahn".
So "Arjmand" could be pronounced "Arjmand" or "Ajmand"
Well, this is actually a bit of a misguided question, as that isn't even how the name is "spelled" in Persian. They have their own alphabet. If someone decided to write the word as Arjmand
, they presumably picked the letters for the benefit of English speakers, and presumably meant it to be pronounced roughly as written.