Neo-Luddite is used to describe those who are considered to be anti-technology, or those who dislike or have a difficult time understanding and using modern science and technology.
Now, I am a passionate geek, who uses technology and enjoys using it. Writing code, using softwares, tweaking my gadgets — all of this excites me and gives me happiness.
However, often I am quite afraid of the future. I often ponder as to how technology eliminated the need of human muscles in the previous centuries, and how in this century pretty soon human brains are going to be weeded out soon. But, I do not actively protest against it. I use it actively, even teach people around me. But, consciously, I know that this world is going into a deep state of shit where humans are going to be completely useless.
So, what would one call me? Can I call myself neo-luddite? Or is there any other term?