Certain English words are pronounced with two different vowels depending on the dialect of the speaker, namely with /ɑː/ or /æ/ (in IPA notation). These include:
can't, last, fast, past, path, vast, dance
Can you point me to a list of all common words with this property?
I recently heard the word “path” in a sound recording pronounced as /pæθ/, and didn't recognize it despite repeatedly listening. I was aware that “can't” has two pronunciations, but I didn't know this about all these words. I am asking this question so that in the future I have less trouble understanding such words.
Update: for search, here is a list of some such words that may be similar, based on the answer: advance, advantage, after, answer, ask, aunt, branch, brass, can't, cast, castle, chance, class, command, contrast, dance, demand, disaster, draft, enhance, example, fast, glass, glance, grant, graph, grass, half, last, laugh, mask, master, nasty, pass, past, path, photograph, plant, rather, sample, shan't, staff, task, vast.