I would like to use an expression that refers to a theatre space, a stage space, or any space for performing theatre: the space for a 'scene' in general.

The expression is 'scenic box'. Is it possible to use it for this usage?

I know that 'stage box' is used to describe this (I have found a lot of results in google for 'stage box', but any results for 'scenic box'.)

But I am wondering if this could also be used. I know that 'scenic' also has other meanings like 'pinturesque'.

Could this expression 'scenic box' be understood as a 'pinturesque box', a space for theatre?

Would an English native understand anything by this phrase?

2 Answers 2


I would say no. The concept of the stage as a box has been well known since Molière, I think, but the word scenic in English has an overwhelming connotation of picturesque, unfortunately. In other words, while it is possible to refer to the actual stage by the word scenic, the sense of natural scenery is dominant in the word, which may therefore confuse people.

If you are looking for a different word than (semi-metaphoric) stage box or box set, then perhaps it would help if you explained exactly why you don't want to use those words. And why don't you use the stage? That is a very common semi-metaphor for the theatre space in general.


I would say no. You will run into two problems, the first of which is a collision of meanings. First, as you noted, with "scenic" meaning picturesque. Second with the following theatrical terms of art:

  • Blackbox theater, an orthotope (3-D analog of a rectangle) performance space that takes its name from the usual color of the interior walls of the building. The audience sits on three or four sides of a raised stage in the middle of the floor. As opposed to the usual auditorium arrangement with a proscenium stage at the front.
  • Box seating, gallery seating at the front and sides of a proscenium stage.
  • Stage box, a container that serves as the junction for cables for a theater's sound system.

In addition, there is an already-established field of study of the areas of a theatrical performance, and these are named by the word "space." One way to carve up the total theatrical space is into verbal space and non-verbal acoustic space. Both of these may have on-stage components and off-stage components, which in turn may be visible or not visible to the audience or the actors or both.

  • Thank you very much for your answer! I am clear now with this...
    – jose
    Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 21:27

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