Yes, it's now (2024) common at least in the corporate world.
It may have been used since the 1990s.
From "Let’s ‘Double-Click’ on the Latest Cringeworthy Corporate Buzzword" (Wall Street Journal, 2024-07-09)
One of the fastest-spreading corporate buzzwords in recent years, “double-click” is both polarizing and pervasive. Particularly on Wall Street, the figure of speech is now being used as a shorthand for examining something more fully, akin to double-clicking to see a computer folder’s contents. ...
Executives and analysts dropped double-click 644 times in corporate conference calls and events during the first half of [2024], according to VIQ Solutions, up from 139 times in the same period of 2020. ...
Tech-inflected buzzwords are especially apt to gain traction—think “network,” “bandwidth” or “take offline”—because they can sound smart or cutting-edge ...
Double-click has a long pedigree in the sales world. Matt Sunshine, head of the Center for Sales Strategy, which trains salespeople, says when he sold ad spots for a local radio station in Dallas in the 1990s, peers commonly used the term.
“Sales leaders would say, ‘Hey, you need to make sure you double-click on that’ with your prospects,” Sunshine says, meaning delve more deeply into any issues customers might raise, as in “Tell me more.”