What is a word (a verb) for the opposite of attend (to a class, to a conference...)?
Unattend? Disattend?
If there is not such a word, then maybe not attending could be OK...
The context for my question is the text for the evaluation rules within an official document containing the description and syllabus of a university course/subject. More precisely, I want to express this sentence:
Only those students attending at least 75% of the lab sessions will be qualified to take the lab exam.
in another way, starting
Only those students unjustifiedly not attending at most 25% of the lab sessions [...]
The point is the word "unjustifiedly". If you attended only 50% of lab sessions but you justifiedly skiped 25% of the lab sessions (you were ill or whatever), then you do meet the condition to take the lab exam (because the final percentage of unjustified absences is equal to 25%). That is why it is easier to put the sentence in the second way, with "not attending" (or maybe "skipping", that would be a good one...).
I thank the people who told me to look it up in a thesaurus, but I already did it and I did not found the perfect match for my context. That is why I decided to ask this question in this site. Sadly, I have -2 points at this moment. :/