Recently, I'm watching the Chinese port version of The Voice (not sure if I can call it that since they differ greatly at least in my opinion), 中國好聲音 (The Voice of China).
Every time the name of the show is said, it's referred to as 「加多寶 中國好聲音」. 「加多寶」 is the name of a drink. They sponsored it so the company name is placed every time with the show's title shows up. In Chinese, we call this 冠名贊助. Direct translation would be "name-placing sponsorship". 「冠名」 means literally placing a name on top somthing.
I know in America, there are lines like "<company>'s <show>", "<company> presents, <show>", or "<show>, brought to you by <company>". What is this called in English? What is this action of putting the company's name with the show's title called?
Upon further research, I also don't think this is an example of eponym, so I'm not looking for eponymize.(now whether or not that's a legit word is debatable)
Edit: I edited the title to avoid confusion since, per some dictionary, the meaning of eponymous is exactly bearing name of something or someone.