If the Burning Man---he of the jungle hair and jungle smell---had once found favor "with the climate, the automobile, Doug, and the honorable and perspiring aunt", as a result of his “crazy talk”---mostly about the heat and it’s unbearability---the Burning Man had managed to decisively reverse his fortune.
ingratiate verb: bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them. "a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry"
synonyms: curry favor with, cultivate, win over, get in good with; see, Google
ingratiate (v.) 1620s, possibly via 16c. Italian ingraziarsi "to bring (oneself) into favor," from Latin in gratiam "for the favor of," from in "in" (see in- (2)) + gratia "favor, grace" (see grace). See, etymonline
disfavor noun: 1. disapproval or dislike. "the headmaster regarded her with disfavor"
synonyms: disapproval, disapprobation; see, Google