I think training mostly refers to the physical related process as it used frequently in sport context, however I found instances in which verb teaching is used in such situations. Am I right? and is there any substantial difference between them.
Merriam-Webster says:
Train : to teach (someone) the skills needed to do something (such as a job), to give instruction to (someone)
Teach : to cause or help (a person or animal) to learn how to do something by giving lessons, showing how it is done, etc.
Based on the M-W definition, the movie "How to train your dragon" could be retitled as "How to teach your dragon".
As another example, in the following sentence:
Select the methods for implementation. - Study how to implement a selected machine learning method to teach soccer player an individual skill.
I think it would be better to use train
instead of teach
And one more example in a different direction :
...research shows a connection between the missing penmanship discipline and the failure to train the brain for impulse control.
Any idea on how to use them properly?