I’m looking for a word that would fit in the sentence it was a very learnful experience: i.e., I learned a lot during that experience.
Learnful feels correct to me, but the dictionary disagrees. It’s possible I’'m incorrectly assuming there is an English equivalent to the Dutch word leerzaam, but I can’t imagine there is no word to convey such a meaning.
Google Translate suggests instructive or informative, but those seem to either mean providing ways of doing things or factual information. What I want it to mean is more abstract, including things like skills and insights and overall growth in competency.
Interestingly, I do now think that the Dutch word leerzaam might not be translatable to English after all; so if someone (Dutch) has some thoughts on this, it might be of interest, since the languages are so similar.
I’m trying to think of a nice counterexample, but the best I can come up with now is this:
Although it was a setback that my roof collapsed, it was an educational experience, and I would never start a home improvement project without proper preparation again.
That does sound pretty awkward in English, right?
a learning experience
suits you example sentence perfectly.