What is the title of a person that studies random stuff? or a bit of everything?
For example,
A geologist studies the earth.
A _____ studies random stuff.
What is the title of a person that studies random stuff? or a bit of everything?
For example,
A geologist studies the earth.
A _____ studies random stuff.
Originally coined to describe one who took a superficial, rather than serious, interest in the arts, a dilettante now connotes someone who takes a light interest in many diverse fields, and a deep interest in none; a dilettante is a dabbler.
An eclectic:
A person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
A polymath:
A person of great or varied learning; a person acquainted with many fields of study; an accomplished scholar. [OED]
From Greek πολυμαθής, “having learnt or knowing much.”
Another choice :
Renaissance man
"a man of any period who has a broad range of intellectual interests"
From Wiktionary
smatterer (plural smatterers)
One who smatters; one who dabbles in or experiments with a little bit of everything, especially knowledge.
If the subject of study is about random things, then a really good word is statistician.
A statistician studies randomness.
As for one who studies things which do not seem connected, the most common example I know is genius.
A genius appears to study random subjects.
It depends on what you mean by "study".
A geologist does research on the earth. Someone who "studies random things" who does actual research on all of them would be the most multidisciplinary scientist in the world; perhaps the noun multidisciplinarist can be used.
But more likely, he doesn't do much actual research, but rather reads textbooks, follows news about new discoveries and generally wants to know all there is to know about what actual scientists have found out, on a wide range of subjects. That's a science fan.
If, on the other hand, you're not talking research at all and more about studying as in doing school subjects, then a geologist is someone who did a lot of geology courses. Someone who spread out his coursework over all sorts of subjects is the opposite of a specialist -- a generalist.
Chaos Scientist would seem to fit the description you are looking for, i.e. the study of systems that seem random at first but then display characteristics of order.
a philosopher! ;) seriously anything random thing you can think of, there is a philosophy on. philosophy is from the Greek word, roughly translates as lover of wisdom or knowledge. (philosophy major)
To me, it sounds a bit like a TRENDY, if the random subject matters are whatever is popular at the time, it doesn't imply deep knowledge, though it doesn't really imply study either, just following whatever is 'hot' at the moment... When I was in school, everyone was becoming a marine biologist.. that faded and then it was psychology, etc...
A trivia buff is someone who knows a lot of trivia, which is interesting but not very useful pieces of knowledge.