What is the exact meaning of following quote (it belongs to Gandalf the Grey):
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
I have a problem especially with understanding what it is has left.
What is the exact meaning of following quote (it belongs to Gandalf the Grey):
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
I have a problem especially with understanding what it is has left.
Sounds like you are not seeing the way the sentence breaks into phrases. Think about it like this:
He that breaks a thing / to find out what it is / has left the path of wisdom.
Loosely, it means: "If you break something in order to fully understand it, you are a fool."
It means:
If you break something to find out what it is, then you have left the path of wisdom.
You are misparsing the actual constituents here: “is has” is not part of the same constituent, but rather two separate pieces of two completely separate constituents. That is is actually part of the noun phrase serving as the sentence subject, while that has is actually part of the verb phrase serving as the sentence predicate.
Simplified, a sentence is this:
sentence = subject + predicate
So the is falls at the end of the subject while the has falls at the start of the predicate.
If you feed Gandalf’s sentence to the Link Parser and examine the resulting constituent tree it generates, all should become crystal clear because the inherent structure of the sentence is revealed:
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
Constituent tree:
(S (NP (NP He)
(SBAR (WHNP that)
(S (VP breaks
(NP a thing)
(S (VP to
(VP find
(PRT out)
(NP (SBAR (WHNP what)
(S (NP it)
(VP is)))))))))))
(VP has
(VP left
(NP (NP the path)
(PP of
(NP wisdom)))))
Do you see now why the is and the has are each part of completely different logical constituents?
There are two top-level constituents here: a noun phrase (NP) acting as the subject of the sentence (S) and a verb phrase (VP) acting as its predicate. The subject begins with he while the predicate begins with has.
You can find the meaning of the rest of the ALLCAPS constituent tags here at the Penn Treebank Constituents list. It defines the phrase-level tags used in this tree, in order of occurrence left to right, as:
- S — simple declarative clause, i.e. one that is not introduced by a (possible empty) subordinating conjunction or a wh-word and that does not exhibit subject–verb inversion.
- NP — Noun Phrase.
- SBAR — Clause introduced by a (possibly empty) subordinating conjunction.
- WHNP — Wh-noun Phrase. Introduces a clause with an NP gap. May be null (containing the 0 complementizer) or lexical, containing some wh-word, e.g. who, which book, whose daughter, none of which, or how many leopards.
- VP — Verb Phrase.
- PRT — Particle. Category for words that should be tagged RP.
- PP — Prepositional Phrase.
Just my two cents. I used this sentence to see how link-grammar library copes with it (I'm not associated with the library / it isn't a commercial product) and here are the results:
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
Found 360 linkages (86 had no P.P. violations)
Linkage 1, cost vector = (UNUSED=0 DIS= 7.00 LEN=34)
| +------------------------------Ss------------------------------+ |
| | +-------MVi------+ | |
| +------Bs------+----Os---+ | +----Osn----+--Bsdt-+ | +-----Os----+ |
+--Wd--+--R--+---RS---+ +Ds**+ +--I--+--K--+ +-Rn+-Ss+ +---PP--+ +Ds**c+-Mp-+--Ju--+ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
LEFT-WALL he that.j-r breaks.v a thing.n to.r find.v out.r what it is.v has.v left.v-d the path.n of wisdom.n-u .
As you can see, it links he
(the subject) to has left
via Ss
link, which, simplifying it, gives he has left the path of wisdom
, just as other answers had already suggested.
The issue here is understanding what the word "it" means in this context.
He that breaks a thing to find out what [that thing] is has left the path of wisdom.
Here "what it is" is connected to "find out" and not "has left".
Breaking implies rendering something useless, so in a much less poetic way:
Someone who renders an object useless to determine the purpose of said object has done something unwise as the act of determining the objects use has rendered it useless.
I think this diagram is helpful. It makes clear that the clauses that should be separated are where I made the breaks. It also makes clear that the sentence could be rearranged with no loss of meaning, i.e.:
He has left the path of wisdom that breaks a thing to find out what it is.
I'm going to try something shorter and simpler to see if it will resonate:
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
needs some commas for clarity:
He, that breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of wisdom.
If you remove the clause between the commas, you'll be left with:
He has left the path of wisdom.
This is the basic idea of the sentence. The qualifier describing who 'He' is, is the comma-enclosed clause of:
that breaks a thing to find out what it is
'It' refers to the thing. 'What it is' refers to the thing's 'nature.'
The ultimate idea being communicated is:
He, who would break something to determine its nature, has left the path of wisdom.
The implication is that once you break something, you no longer have it. If you make your possession useless, just to figure out what it is, you have ruined it and the answer really doesn't matter because you don't have it any more.
"He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom." By destroying something in the quest for knowledge about it you may have defeated your purpose. Unwise indeed!
Example: If you learn that I have extrasensory perception, and you keep me working non-stop without rests or nutrition, because you are greedy to know what I can sense, eventually I will break down physically. Then you will not have access to my gift anymore. You have left the path of wisdom!
I may be wrong, because I'm not a native speaker, and I cannot seem to find references that support what follows, but I think you are failing to point out to our friend @ciechowoj (another non-native) that the structure "He who" or "He that" carries an indefinite meaning. It does not point to a specific "He" (even though @pyrAmider says the sentence refers to Saruman the White, which will surely be true but does not spoil my reasoning).
In my case, I was not taught this kind of structure at school, and neither was ciechowoj, probably. This probably added to his difficulty understanding the sentence.
It should be understood as:
If I'm right, explanations involving commas around "that breaks a thing to find out what it is", although helpful for understanding the sentence, are wrong.
This quote addresses a central theme of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, which is a conflict between mythic, literary knowledge accumulated over eons of the past and the greed for power that can stem from coming unmoored from that knowledge. In this case, Gandalf refers to Saruman the White's willingness to break the precepts of years of wizardly wisdom by creating an industrialized and unnatural army in pursuit of power.