I am looking for a word which describes the psychology behind multiple related behaviors. I feel that it's at the tip of my tongue, but I can't seem to get it.
I want to describe this person as someone who:
1) attempts "reductionism", but wrongly, by simply choosing not to perceive the complex and mysterious parts of the phenomenon
2) neglects the big picture in favor of salient details
3) is overly reliant on formal rules to decide things
4) focuses too much on the literal meaning of things
5) displays weaknesses analogous to Spock or Data on Star Trek.
Words which I've considered but rejected: dogmatist, legalist, formalist, stickler, rigid, and myopic. I'll probably use myopic if no one suggests anything better.
Sentences this word might be used in:
The medical system is often [blank], focusing on disease processes while ignoring overall health and lifestyle.
The Pharisees were [blank], focusing on the minutia of the law while ignoring the deeper spirit.
On of the symptoms of autism is [blank]: the patient will often obsessively focus on a a narrow topic, insist that their daily routine is conducted "just so", and persevere in thinking on minor details which are no longer relevant.
Schools often take a very [blank] approach to language learning, focusing on vocabulary and grammatical rules rather than simple immersion and dynamic communication
[Edit: I have no opinion, positive or negative, on actual Pharisees and apologize for any offense caused. It was just an example of the word I wanted which I noticed while googling for synonyms. (And preemptively, I am also not intentionally expressing actual opinions of medical systems, schools, or autism here; I'm just pulling stock phrases I've seen people use that fit the tip-of-the-tongue word the wild. In hindsight that's probably not a good practice.)]