There's an expression in Portuguese "para você não dizer que eu sou ruim/mau", which literally translates to "in order for you not to say that I'm bad/evil", where "you" or "I" can be replaced by "him/he", "her/she", a specific person and so on. I think it'll be more clear if I use two dialogue examples:
Son: Can you give me some money, Mom?
Mother: Why should I? You spent all you had, last week.
Son: But Mom... Please.
Mother: Ok, "in order for you not to say I'm bad", I'll give you 15 dollars. But don't go spending it with useless things!
Second dialogue:
Boy: Hey, will you watch his match tomorrow? He said he'll be playing and really wanted you to go. Girl: Well, I don't like sports very much, but "in order for him not to say I'm bad", I'll go watch the first half.
Remember that I'm translating literally the expression - my question is: is there a similar valid expression in English?