According to MLA and APA, sequential parenthetical citations should be separated by a semi-colon, so: "John Avery and George Marshall both say that capitalism has existed in America since the Revolutionary War (18; 365)."
But I cannot find what do with with sequential parenthetical phrases and sentences outside of that context. Which of the following examples is correct?
(1) The film ...Et mourir de plaisir (Le sang et la rose) (English:...To die with pleasure [The blood and the rose]) (1960) is a French classic adapted from JS Le Fanu's Carmilla.
(2) The film ...Et mourir de plaisir (Le sang et la rose; English:...To die with pleasure [The blood and the rose]; 1960) is a French classic adapted from JS Le Fanu's Carmilla.
PS: Am I properly nesting parentheses above?