A crease is a line in the skin that marks the point at which a limb or digit articulates (such as the inner surface of the elbow), or where one distinct part of the body meets another (such as the crease where the thigh meets the buttock, or a woman's breast lies against her ribcage).
I personally would use crease to describe a laugh line, though that might depend on how distinct it is: if it is very obvious, or is permanently visible, I might actually call it a wrinkle (especially if it is on the face of an older person).
A wrinkle is a (generally unwanted) furrow in the skin that develops with age, sun exposure, or a combination of both.
Some wrinkles may begin as creases, so there can be a degree of overlap in the terminology in specific instances.
To wrinkle one's nose is an idiomatic expression that does not necessarily involve wrinkles as I have described them above.
Finally, clothing has wrinkles when the folds in question are undesired, and creases when they are either produced intentionally or are unusually distinct (such as might happen when a shirt has been squashed into an overfull suitcase).