Could anybody parse these words, please, because I am not sure I get all the subtleties. I am intereseted not in their semantics, but rather sentence syntax.
On which soil we stand on, that is where we carry the weight of the sky
Could anybody parse these words, please, because I am not sure I get all the subtleties. I am intereseted not in their semantics, but rather sentence syntax.
On which soil we stand on, that is where we carry the weight of the sky
The second on should be omitted.
Looking at the English versions of other Malay proverbs at the link OP provided, this is not the only poor translation. I don't know the original, but would imagine it means something like:
On whichever soil we stand, that is where we carry the weight of the sky.
If this is the case, then On whichever soil we stand is the subordinate or dependent clause (in this case an adverb clause), and that is where we carry the weight of the sky is the main or independent clause