I recall from my youth a term for a long sentence which hid its meaning or point until the very end. it was used often in academic writing (and since I was doing much academic writing, I used this method often). I thought that the term for such a sentence was something akin to hypotonic or like that but since that word is a term for low pressure I doubt that that's what it is. It isn't a case of simple prolixity as the term in question was a technical label for the structure of the "reveal." [note, the final part of the sentence need not be especially shocking but is an essential part of the sentence structure, not an extra bit appended to the base sentence}
Can anyone help me remember the word for this type of sentence?
Here is a long sentence by Hannah Arendt.
With the rise of the modern age, thinking became chiefly the handmaiden of science, of organized knowledge; and even though thinking then grew extremely active, following modernity’s crucial conviction that I can know only what I myself make, it was Mathematics, the non-empirical science par excellence, wherein the mind appears to play only with itself, that turned out to be the Science of sciences, delivering the key to those laws of nature and the universe that are concealed by appearances.