If you ask someone "Where do you live?" versus "Do you live at so & so", is a question like the first called general and the second called particular?

Another example is "What do you think about sex?" versus "Do you think so & so about sex?"

  • I think you need to clarify the question. Are you asking what the difference is between "in general" and "in particular" and what kinds of sentences those phrases would apply to?
    – Thomas
    Commented Jan 17, 2022 at 0:16

1 Answer 1


If you are trying to make conversation with someone, it is often recommended to avoid asking yes/no questions, and instead ask open-ended questions (that is, ones that invite a full sentence (or more!) as a reply).

Your examples of "Where do you live?" and "What do you think about sex?" are examples of open-ended questions, whereas "Do you live at (X)?" and "Do you think (X) about sex?" are yes/no questions.

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