I have a figure and some edges are plotted for convenience. So I want to write a caption like

"Auxiliary edges are drawn in"

But I'm confused about the in.

As a non native speaker, drawn in sounds much clearer than just drawn, but I'm worried about false friends.

Can I use drawn in here, or do people expect i.e. a colour or place to follow the in?

And if it's ok to use in, which would be more natural drawn or drawn in?

  • "Auxiliary edges are rendered"
    – mplungjan
    Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 11:48
  • I would like: Auxiliary edges have been drawn in. Commented Jul 13, 2015 at 19:51

2 Answers 2


There are almost 15 000 000 Google hits for "paint in the edges", eg:

I also paint in the edges of the base at this stage [ – ] it makes the whole thing look so much tidier when it[']s finished.

This shows that at least one related verb takes the particle / adverb (jury's out on this) 'in', which gives the sense 'add a necessary/desired part of the whole drawing / painting ...'. (Note that 'I also paint the edges of the base at this stage' has a different meaning, unavailable with 'draw'.)

'Draw in' can be used to mean 'add as a required part of the drawing' (eg

Draw in the trees using a dabbing motion with the side of the knife to create a bark look.


Next, we draw in the flowers and the jug.

from the internet), but perhaps a simple 'added', 'or 'added to the drawing', sounds less junior-school register. Here, 'the plotted points are now connected to show the edges' might work.

A slight complication with 'draw in' is that it has other meanings, as a true multi-word verb. See Macmillan Dictionary. The word 'in' is made to do many jobs in English – it's little wonder people get confused. And it's such a small word!


Well, Drawn is basically

past form of Draw

and comming to your query its always rational to use DRAWN IN as it means to draw an outline of something and also it sounds normal if you are not considering the time frame(I would always use drawn in).


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