Is there a good word for a person who frames another person (for a crime, etc.)?
Looking for something in the vein of "snitch"
Is there a good word for a person who frames another person (for a crime, etc.)?
Looking for something in the vein of "snitch"
I don't think there is a word that specifically indicates "one who frames" (outside the word framer
, which would do the job in context but apparently would not meet your needs). However, there are a lot of good options for what to call someone that deceives someone else, which could be applied here. For example:
, libelist
, or impugner
. liar
, fabricator
, or prevaricator
, faker
, or counterfeiter
, frame-up artist
, or frame-maker
(to the best of my knowledge, these are not terms in use)."whistle-blower" is possibly best for an alternative to snitch, or "accuser".
For "one who frames another", go for either "framer" or "felonic perjurer", as Dan said above.
To frame someone means:
- to make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate (a person) falsely.
You are looking for a term 'along the vien of' snitch, who is more like an informer whose action may frame someone:
- someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
Terms you can use in alternative to snitch are stool pigeon or canary.