I'm looking for a word which can be used in any situation to describe something in whatever way you want, i.e it's not a word and just fits in to places..., but is there an actual word which does that?
6"Blah", perhaps?– jxhCommented Aug 19, 2014 at 17:58
28"When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less." (from Lewis Carroll's The Looking Glass)– IQAndreasCommented Aug 19, 2014 at 21:47
9@IQAndreas: I believe that the title you're referring to is Through the Looking Glass.– Scott - Слава УкраїніCommented Aug 20, 2014 at 22:26
3Heavily related but NOT a duplicate What colloquial word is used when you don't remember a word ...?– Mari-Lou ACommented Aug 21, 2014 at 6:52
2@Mari-LouA: I like Granny Weatherwax's "Wossname."– Bob BrownCommented Aug 23, 2014 at 5:24
15 Answers
I’m looking for a word which can be used in any situation to describe something in whatever way you want, i.e it’s not a word and just fits in to places, but is there an actual word which does that?
There are quite a few, as a matter of fact. The most popular is 'thingamajig' with its many variants (thingamabob, thingummy, thingy, etc.), 'whatchamacallit', 'whaddayacallit'.
A useful neologism is 'gizmo' which should be used only for small, technological objects, but can have a wider usage, more or less like 'contraption', 'gadget', 'widget' etc.
The terms 'foo', 'bar', and 'baz' are meaningless, are used in computing by a small circle of adepts. They are used in listing, like letters: "let's take A, B, C"
For people, you probably know the use of 'Tom Dick and Harry', but remember that 'whatsit' is a magic word that can be used for anything, both for people and objects
6technically, these are all nouns and can't replace any part of speech.– OldcatCommented Aug 19, 2014 at 23:37
1@Oldcat the OP asked for a "describing" word, which suggests non-verbs Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 16:02
6Do you mean "baz" instead of "faz"? I've never seen the latter. By the way, continuing the list: "qux", "quux", etc. Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 21:57
Well, the first word that comes to mind is smurf.
It can act as just about any word you want, it can be use as a noun, a verb, an adjective, and the meaning is completely open.
Can you smurf that for me?
Who smurfed my smurfs?
What a smurf outfit! You'll attract a lot of smurfs with that!
11We don't need that smut here. And you smurfing know it! Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 18:28
8This was exactly what I thought of when I read the question. The origin of smurf (schtroumph, actually) was a conversation between the author (Peyo) and a friend; he wanted to ask for the salt, but could not remember the word. So he said "please pass the smurf". Reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Smurfs– FlorisCommented Aug 19, 2014 at 18:39
2To me, it seems like it'd be "a smurfy outfit," or "a smurfish outfit." Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 21:32
7@JoshuaTaylor — That depends on weather you want to attract smurfs or smurfs... A smurfy outfit would still be acceptable, but a smurfish outfit would be outright smurf! You couldn't pull off a smurfish outfit at any but the smurfiest event. Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 6:34
A term which describes such words is "metasyntactic variable".
The most common metasyntactic variables (in my experience) are "foo", "bar", and (rarely, because the need for a third placeholder is relatively infrequent) "baz". From Wikipedia's article on metasyntactic variables:
When you have to invent an arbitrary temporary name for something for the sake of exposition, FOO is usually used. If you need a second one, BAR or BAZ is usually used;
With that said, I'd counsel you not to overdo it, lest you fall into the trap of Humpty-dumptyism (the practice of insisting that a word means whatever one wishes it to):
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less."
From Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass
2Note that foo, bar, and baz are typically used in noun places. E.g., "I give you this foo." For a verb, "frob" is often used. E.g., "You should frob the foo that I gave you." Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 21:31
2@joshuataylor I agree that's the most common usage, if only because nouns occupy the most commonly abstracted category in speech (compare the leading answer's thingamajig, gizmo, whatchamacallit, etc, all very "noun flavored"). But
do see much wider application than just nouns; in particular, using them for verbs, the second most commonly abstracted concept, is almost as common as their use for verbs (for example, as names for functions [verbs] in a programming context). In fact, thy can be used to stand in for any part of speech, hence metasyntactic: above syntax– Dan BronCommented Aug 19, 2014 at 21:43 -
@DanBron Interesting point; in abstract, I wouldn't hesitate to name a function
, but if I had to talk about it as well, I'd much preferfrob
. I'd understand what someone means if they say "then you should foo the bar," but it sounds ungrammatical to me. Even worse would be "you should foo the frob." Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 21:46 -
2OK, it's not technically one word, but I nominate "metasyntactic variable" for meaning whatever you want and simultaneously having no (apparent) meaning. ;) Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 16:57
I would start with the word blah. You can replace any bit of speech with "blah, blah, blah." It is often used in a snide way, however, for words that are tedious, or in mockery of another person who won't stop talking.
There are variations as well. I've heard blih, blip, bleh, blipity, and bibity. You can add suffixes as needed too. -ish, -y, and -ed would all work. Actually, any amount of humming and hawing while gesturing like an ape can replace any words. Too many intentional meaningless words, though, and it will just look like gibberish.
After that the wachamacallit's and whosit's and so forth can replace any noun, as was already mentioned.
I would like to bring up the curious usage of the F-word, too. It can be used as pretty much any part of speech with nearly any tone, except maybe reverent. Perhaps, with some clever wording, you could replace words with the F-word and your listeners would still understand you.
2What does this mean, "the F-word" ? We are on a site about language & words. Don't be afraid of words. Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 15:54
2@NicolasBarbulesco There is a time to use words and a time for their euphemisms. I don't want to surprise and upset anybody.– user39425Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 15:57
He means the kind of use as displayed in reallifeglobal.com/how-use-word-fuck . As they say on that page, if you are going to swear, you should have a high degree of awareness as to what you are communicating and the effect it has on people around you. Commented Aug 22, 2014 at 7:51
I think the F-word can be used reverently. It just depends on context and attitude. Commented Aug 23, 2014 at 17:51
5@NicolasBarbulesco the F-word means whatever you want it to mean - so it is perfect. It could even mean "fuck" if you wanted it to.– emoryCommented Aug 23, 2014 at 19:05
Really for the extreme flexibility you're looking for the closest word or phrase that I'm aware of that is in common use is "you know" which can be combined with "what", "who", "what I'm talking about" or a small description for claity.
So yesterday I went to the you know where we usually go and, well, you know who showed up, and he's wearing his typical you know, like, thinks he's so stylish and he's not, and then he pulls out one of those you know new phones and he's acting all like he's so you know, like just because he's got a phone he can just be such a you know what.
If we are going with fictional words, Og wins.
Whereas Smurf is always a positive word, and Marklar from South Park is always a noun, Og from The Secret World of Og is every word, except for (according to this random wiki entry) mathematical operators.
I have not read the book so I do not know if the part about mathematical operators is accurate. According to the Wikipedia entry the inhabitants only know one word: "Og!" (EDIT: I suppose operators can exist as such without their being words: Og + Og = Og. But if this is the case, then said word (Og) does not, as the OP asks, stand in for "whatever you want it to mean" unless, in Og, you can express + as a word (plus = Og)).
Oh, those are good, didn't even think of them. I wouldn't count Pikachu, he often uses pikaaaa... for angry/disappointed phrases and Pika Pika! for excited/happy phrases and... well I guess that dichotomy is the entirety of his emotional range in the show. Commented Aug 22, 2014 at 17:17
If you're in Hawaii, Da Kine is exactly what you're looking for.
It is used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb.
But do note, Da Kine is pidgin English.
What does your note mean ? Da Kine comes from english ? Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 10:28
And from Melanesian Pidgin (Tok Pisin) the word 'samting'. It looks like 'something' but is not. Usage is much broader and it may be used in place of a noun or verb. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tok_Pisin– pHredCommented Feb 26, 2017 at 23:13
I immediately thought of plain old
- Look at that thing
- I have one of those things
- There's a thing that fixes that
- That thing is on the desk
You used some in your question: "something," "whatever," etc., are placeholder words to allow whatever or something to be inserted at the readers discretion.
But actually, the first word that came to my mind was...
Which, as Wikipedia notes "According to the film [Mary Poppins (1964), which spawned the popular and exact term here, though variations existed as far back as 1931 according to the article], it is defined as "'something to say when you have nothing to say'".
It is in fact in the Oxford English Dictionary (login required), defined as "A nonsense word" (i.e. a word that has no meaning), though notes that in practice, used by children, "typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous."
The word is in fact an adjective, and since it has no meaning, it therefore meets the request that it "describe something in whatever way you want" (though again, in usage it often has an idea of good connotations of "approval"—so the Random House definition on dictionary.com—since the song notes positive aspects experienced by the use of the word).
@glenatron: Indeed, though not all agree with Mary Poppin's and crew's assessment of the word, as this article notes "lexicographer Susie Dent" saying it is "'beautifully crafted in its beat so that once you learn it, it is hard to forget,'" and "Matt Wolf, a theatre critic" that "'There's something about the polysyllabic nature of it that makes you want to move to it. It makes language exciting, it makes words fun.'" But for the OP, it truly is defined as having no meaning.– ScottSCommented Aug 21, 2014 at 12:28
1For "something to say when you have nothing to say", just listen to a politician. Or a corporate exec. (Or, of course, an advertisement of any sort.) Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 16:59
A somewhat English-sounding one that's common in Terry Pratchett novels is wossname.
That's a referential wossname. A gerund. Could be a gerund.
He had a cut all the way across his wossname.
I was thinking the word Placeholder could mean anything but it might be limited to just nouns.
Blank is my second choice.
If you want a word for an indefinite number, there are "umpteen" and "zillion" (for a very big number). Perhaps "n" doesn't count as word, but its ordinal form "nth" is quite often seen, especially in the phrase "to the nth degree". See
I think that the word that
might fit the bill. You can use it as a noun:
I want that.
Or disguise it as an adjective:
He looked like that.
Or even take the place of an adjective.
He was pretty.
Yes, sir, that he was.
As commented below, its meaning usually refers to an antecedent, either verbal or non-verbal, but there are plenty of examples in English where the anaphora is left open:
Just like that, he disappeared.
It's too expensive, and probably out-of-date at that.
(ref). Therefore the antecedent can be left as ambiguous as desired. Add to it that the word that
has many other uses in English:
He said that it was time.
I find the ambiguity fits the bill of "a word which can be used in any situation to describe something in whatever way you want". Let us see:
We have to agree that Peter was that.
She was doing that. Yes, that. I don't have to say what that is.
And that is that.
That is a pronoun, so it's true that it's job is to take the place of a noun, but it's always used with an antecedent or at least some sort of (possibly nonverbal) indication of what the speaker intends to refer to. In this question the OP seems to be asking for a placeholder word that can be used without indicating its meaning. Also, that in He looked like that is still a pronoun, not an adjective.– CalebCommented Aug 22, 2014 at 13:36
The question said "it's not a word and just fits in to places". I will try to improve on the answer. Commented Aug 22, 2014 at 22:14
Followed by: but is there an actual word which does that? The question could use some work.– CalebCommented Aug 23, 2014 at 2:54
The word "that" has nothing to do with a particle. Commented Aug 23, 2014 at 21:55
1Removed the bit about a particle, replaced by "many uses". Commented Aug 24, 2014 at 7:36
Hodor. The only word uttered by character known by that name in George R. R. Martin's series of novels A Song of Ice and Fire. See http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hodor, http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Hodor, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxjw-w-V5k4.
Dude, an expression of shock, approval, sympathy, or other strong feeling: Dude! That's one expensive sandwich!
1I think that dude means a guy. I would not say "Dude !" to a girl. Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 15:55
2@NicolasBarbulesco saying it to a girl is sometimes okay. As an exclamation; not like "hey dude".– user36720Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 16:21
No exclamation exists that I cannot replace with dude using the proper tone.– MazuraCommented Aug 20, 2014 at 23:20
I challenge you to find the proper tone to say dude to replace something like G*dawfullF*ingSonOfABch! after hitting your finger instead of a nail with that slightly overweight hammer... Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 8:06
Touche, applicable for when it doesn't hurt yet, but you know it will very soon and take forever to heal. Useful for when you do rehab in a working office and shouting expletives is frowned upon. @oerkelens– MazuraCommented Aug 21, 2014 at 22:54