Time magazine (6 Aug 2014) carries an article titled “Our Brains Immediately Judge People” and subtitled “We make calls on trustworthiness almost instantly” that says research at Dartmouth College and New York University revealed the human brain judges trustworthiness or untrustworthiness of other people in about 30 milliseconds. The article concludes:
“This, the researchers conclude, is evidence that our brains make judgments of people before we even process who they are or what they look like. Keep that in mind the next time you’re meeting someone new. No pressure.” http://time.com/3083667/brain-trustworthiness/
I’m not clear about what “No pressure” here exactly means.
Does it mean no need of feeling pressure in trying to read and judge trustworthiness of a person you meet for the first time?
Could you tell me “no pressure” from what? Can I rephrase it with a simple “No sweat”?