"Xenophobia" is being fearful of outsiders, and "xenophilia" would be to love outsiders.
To fit in with these words, I'm looking for a suffix to attach to the "xeno~" prefix to in order to create a word that means to find a person to be adorable or cute because they are foreign.
"Xenophilia" does not fit, because the implication of the "~philia" suffix is too accepting and desirous of the target. To say someone was a xenophile is more or less to say they would love it all the more if they were surrounded by foreigners all the time.
I'm very much looking for something where the object of adoration is simultaneously considered diminutive and not necessarily respected. Like how people might consider a foreign person to be cute because of their accent and behaviour, but still have a sense that they are alien to the host culture. People may laugh along with a foreigner's antics without malice, but still regard that foreigner as necessarily separate.
Does such a suffix that means "cute" in the sense of "diminutive" exist?