In analogy with "to provide" and "to feed", which can be both constructed with and without "with" (at least in AE) -- [This application will provide you (with) all the information you need] and [The young mother feeds her baby (with) milk] -- is it also acceptable to do so -- as far as AE goes -- with such verbs as "supply", "furnish", "present", "issue", and "endow", just to mention the few ones that just came to mind?
You might want to consider the following sourced examples for this.
And most important to supply them the means to do it. source>/
Russia is supplying them the weapons of mass destruction. source>/
We presented them a good case. source>/
I presented them a pretty attractive investment profile. source>/
They are plenty of Copperheads, who furnish them all the information they want. source>/
I am, consequently, unable to furnish you the information desired. source>/
Many an establishment to furnish you the necessary goods. source>/
His acting career in 1984 which endowed him a tremendously rich experience of 29 years. source>/
His life experiences have endowed him am incredibly work ethic. source>/
Mr. Nasiatka said he told them he could issue them an infraction. source>/
We calculate what the lodging would have cost and issue them a cash bonus. source>/