The sense of 'a human ear' puts the emphasis on the 'human' as adjective, as opposed to a different type of ear - eg, reptilian, or pteropine (bat-from the list [here])1.
The sense of 'the human ear' uses the definite article to refer to a specific item as indicative as the entire species, as in 'the lion is king of the beasts' - we have no specific lion in mind, it is the leonine species that is intended, but because it's easier to think of a single lion as being a king, the definite article is used.
It's less easy to think of a single human ear as symbolising the quality of human hearing, since they come in pairs, but using 'the' it's a way of referring to the hearing organ in general terms, rather than as distinct from other species' hearing faculties.
'Ear' is used here as a Synechdoche - it is a part which stands for the entire human faculty of hearing.