My question is: Instead of "this country has many resources", what can I say? This country is abundant in many resources?
If you're looking for alternate words to describe an idea, "resources" is not the tag you are looking for. "Synonyms" or "word-definition" might be more appropriate. More to the point though, this verges very closely on being a question on writing advice, rather than on english usage. If you are looking for a single word that means the thing you are describing, say so and tag the question appropriately.– ZibbobzCommented Oct 10, 2013 at 15:47
You might find this Stack Exchange site useful for future questions: English Language Learners.– J.R.Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 16:31
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4 Answers
Resource-rich is a good, short adjective phrase that describes a country that is rich in resources.
Thank you! Can I say "this region is resource-rich in gas"? Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 16:39
4You could, but it might be more appropriate to say "This region is rich in gas resources", or if you're referring to gas as in petrol, you could say "this region is petrol-rich" to indicate a large amount of petrol belongs to the region. "Gas-rich" would work, but sounds a little awkward and informal.– ZibbobzCommented Oct 10, 2013 at 16:45
I wasn't aware that petrol comes out of the ground: surely the natural product is oil, from which petrol is produced?– TrevorDCommented Oct 10, 2013 at 23:15
Yes. Oil would be the actual material that comes out of the ground. I didn't think Petrol would be objected to, because it is still a resource. Just a refined resource. But technically if you want to say that the country specifically has the natural resource of Oil, you would say exactly that. It is "Oil-rich" or "Rich in oil."– ZibbobzCommented Oct 10, 2013 at 23:59
Word choice is one of my stronger areas. You are quite welcome.– ZibbobzCommented Oct 11, 2013 at 13:05
A Resource-Enriched Country can be used here.
A good general term for a country that is rich in various resources.– ZibbobzCommented Oct 11, 2013 at 13:04
You could say resource-laden country or This country is richly endowed with resources.
laden: filled with a great quantity