Is the word "Customizable" a valid English word? Every time I write that word, the spell checker underlines it, and it suggests using "Customization" or "Customize". I'm not a native English speaker, but that word exists in online dictionaries so I wonder why the spell checker underlines it.
1 Answer
The Oxford English Dictionary in its revision of March 2012 defines it as:
That may be customized; able to be changed to suit the requirements of the user. Frequently with reference to computer software and hardware.
The earliest citation is from 1960. If that definition of customizable suits your purpose, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use it.
Wow! Strange, this word is used a lot in our everyday life and i assumed that it is included in the spell checker, i can't understand how that thing does not underline new words like Google or Facebook, but it underlines costumizable, I assumed that the checker knows more than me and i rely on it a lot especially when typing a formal email, i spent like 2 hours trying to understand what i did wrong! Stupid computers! Or maybe it's me who's stupid, relying on a computer! the era of smart phones and stupid people! Merci beaucoup– LynobCommented Oct 1, 2013 at 11:54
1@Fischer You miss-spelled the word here. No need to fault spell-check, there are words that are flagged to alert you on possible unintended errors. Some words may not have been included the spell-check dictionary -- you can always add the word of your choice to the custom dictionary after checking authentic sources.– KrisCommented Oct 1, 2013 at 12:39
3@Kris it's not my responsibilities to add English words, besides you can't add exception everywhere– LynobCommented Oct 1, 2013 at 13:03
It's one own responsibility to add whatever words one may need/like to one's custom dictionary. See the FAQ/Help in spell-check.– KrisCommented Oct 1, 2013 at 13:09
@Kris How do you suggest I add it to this comment? Because it underlines it here. Besides, if it is a word that is in most English dictionaries these days then I blame spell check.– RyanCommented Dec 11, 2019 at 5:40