Is there another term to specify who is being celebrated - e.g., @ a BD party?

('Celebrant/celebrator' could be anybody celebrating, I believe. But isn't there a term which will specify the one/ones being celebrated?)

Is there, e.g., such a word as 'celebrantee,' or 'celebratoree' (&, if not, oughtn't there be (the situation comes up repeatedly))?

Thank you.

  • Colloquially, you might call them the man (woman, child, whatever) of the hour. Commented Sep 14, 2013 at 4:08

2 Answers 2


Guest of Honor would work for either gender at any big party in their honor.


If you are looking for a single word it is honoree

hon•or•ee (ˌɒn əˈri)

n. a person who receives an honor, award, or special recognition.

Specifically in the case of a distinction or achievement, it is laureate.

n. 1. One honored or awarded a prize for great achievements especially in the arts or sciences: a Nobel laureate. A poet laureate.

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