I saw a new compound word of something that related with “number” and “article” that describes the style of articles that start with number such as "7 Things happy people choose to do every single day," “10 paragraphs about lists you need in your life,” and “20 things you need to know about Einstein,” in an article of today’s NYT, or Time magazine, or New Yorker.
Wikipedia carries this word as a compound of ???+aricle. I forgot what ??? was.
In other word, it’s an itemized style of writing under, for instance, Rule 1, 2, 3..
I thought it a very convenient word to describe “X number reasons, things, ways, tips for sucess, a better bargain, and persons who ....” style articles now in fashion, but, I forgot to note it down.
Could you teach me the word, if you can think it up, or have read the article?