I've always thought a spelling checker is a tool that checks spelling. I know a growing number of people say spell checker, but I've always considered that slang. Recently I did a search for the term and saw that many professionally-edited outlets use the shorter version. Has the shorter term become acceptable in formal writing?

Does it generalize to the verb form as well?

  1. I need to spell check my document.
  2. I need to check the spelling in my document.

5 Answers 5


Spellcheck and spellchecker are both in Oxford Living Dictionaries, on line.


I've usually seen it used in combination form: spellchecker. The verb is spellcheck and it conjugates the same way check does. It's also used as spell checker, and I guess you can take your pick.

  • 5
    I always use spelling checker; a spell checker is something Harry Potter needs.
    – Marthaª
    Commented Feb 10, 2011 at 1:37
  • 1
    @Martha: But I bet J. K. Rowling used a spellchecker! :)
    – Robusto
    Commented Feb 10, 2011 at 1:42

On the copy of the NOAD installed on the Mac computer I am using to answer, for spelling checker I only read another term for spellchecker. Spell checker is reported as possible variant of spell-checker.

To spell-check (or to spell check) means to check the spelling of a text using a spell-checker; the meaning of spell-checker is reported to be a computer program that checks the spelling of words in files of text, typically by comparison with a stored list of words.

To check the spelling would have a more generic meaning that to spell check, as the latter verb implicates the use of a computer program. It is possible that, as nowadays the computer is used also as text editor, to spell check is used even when the operation has not be done with a computer (e.g., the professor has spell-checked my essay).

Searching for [check] the spelling and [spellcheck] on the Corpus of Contemporary American ([check] matches check, checks, checked) I get the following data (the values are the frequencies per million; the images can also be seen here, and here):

usage by context usage per year

The data evidences that spellcheck is used more frequently in the last 10 years.

  • The image isn't showing up...
    – Marthaª
    Commented Feb 10, 2011 at 15:04
  • That's strange: I see it. Probably it depends from its size; I will try with a smaller image.
    – avpaderno
    Commented Feb 10, 2011 at 15:08
  • I see the images now.
    – Marthaª
    Commented Feb 10, 2011 at 19:36
  • Can you please emend and explain in detail 'On the NOAD reports spelling checker, but it simply describes it as another term for spell-checker'? This seems to be the substance of the answer. I'm not sure where the other research really comes in; relative frequencies of appearances of 'spellchecker' (3 forms?) and 'spelling checker' are surely appropriate? I'm fairly sure that they're interchangeable (no / negligible human / literary false-positives) to a very large degree. Commented Jan 24, 2021 at 16:17

Spell check is a little more informal and more modern-ish of a word as a verb, but it is grammatically correct. Usually it refers to Microsoft Office Word or OpenOffice. Checking the spelling is the more uncommon of the two, but still correctly used. (Some people just use spell check instead of checking the spelling because they think it's a waste or precious breath.)

  • I edited your answer to make clear that (as I suppose) when you said that "spell check" was a more informal word, you meant (as the question seemed to be asking) in its use as a verb. If that's not correct, please do edit it back. Commented Jun 18, 2014 at 16:50
  • As long it isn't edited so much that it strays from its only main point, I'm fine with moderators editing my answers.
    – BWXY619
    Commented Jun 18, 2014 at 16:57

It's not all that difficult , even though our English language is a contradiction of itself . You can call it as a verb , to spell check or spellcheck if one wishes , HOWEVER , based on our building of our language , to spell check is the action verb eg , "Please spell check that document" or "Spellcheck that document."
As a NOUN , there's ONLY one way to spell it ---- it's a spell-check(er) eg , "They performed a spell-check or we need a spell-checker to do its work. " There . Peace.


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