I saw the word, “celebvocate” in “Editor’s Pick” section in today’s (July 14) Washington Post which comes under the caption, “When ‘celebvocates’ come to D.C.” and followed by the lead copy:
“Here are a few of the recent visitors seeking to leverage their fame with Congress or the president."
I also saw quite a lot of “celebvocates” in the clips in Google Search, for an example:
Thursday's celebvocate: NFL linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo Occasion: Announcing his upcoming role as guest editor ... Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation this morning to talk about Jason Collins' coming out and what it means for the future of ...”
I understand “celebvocate” is simply a compound of ‘Celebrity’ and “advocate.” However, Google Ngram shows no incidence of “celebvocates” on its record, and Spellchecker keeps demanding correction of this word, when I’m making proof-check of this post now.
Is “celebvocate” gaining popularity to be perceived as an acceptable word? It seems the word being used predominantly by Washigton Post, which I think is one of influential media in U.S. When did it come into currency?